If you haven’t heard a while ago, Animal Crossing is coming to the Nintendo Switch! The last game was made in 2012 and a new game will come out sometime in 2019. It was teased when Isabelle (Old mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf) was invited into Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. Based on what I remember from the previous game, I will talk about what I want in the new game!

The first thing I would want in the new game is more animals. I know that every new Animal Crossing game that comes out, more animals would be introduced. However, I want to see more new animals than old ones. I want this game to feel new and not have much of a nostalgic feeling to it. I am alright with some of the animals such as Tom Nook, Rover, or Isabelle (I highly doubt that). Just like Pokemon Black and Pokemon White! That game mostly had the newer generation Pokemon debut than any old ones. It had the feeling that it was an entirely unique game. That is what I want for this game. Each animal should have an interesting and realistic personality. I am alright if they have abilities just like the real creature. For example, a chameleon can camouflage, maybe the in-game animal could do that? Maybe for a minigame like hide and seek.

Travel options? I know it is unlikely but I really would like to have the ability to travel to other islands. Animal Crossing New Leaf allowed you to travel to an island where you could swim and catch sea creatures. I want the option to travel to a city! It can be a small city but I hope that it has areas for you to explore and buy furniture or clothes. I would also hope that you could travel on a plane! Maybe that is how you arrive at your town instead of a train or a car.

More Furniture! More Clothes! I would love to see more furniture that you can add to your house. The game does expose you to financial business. So it would be better to see a bigger selection of furniture you can choose from. Clothes would also help. You can show your personality to other players! Or you could emote… I don’t want the option to design your own clothing though.

This game will probably use online pay which is a problem. Your game would lag so much and you could possibly get kicked out of multiplayer. I hope you can use local wireless though. I also hope you can still use the dream code thing.

Those are just a few things I want for the new Animal Crossing game coming out sometime this year. I can’t wait for it and I hope some of these things I talked about gets implemented into the game. Thank you for reading!

Here is the official Nintendo website.

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